The testimonials provided represent the experiences of the particular individuals making them and are not intended to be a recommendation or a referral for any device or procedure. BD and its affiliates do not warrant that any of the statements contained in the testimonials are accurate, complete, or will apply to any particular individual’s circumstances. Testimonials may be edited for clarity or brevity. If you think that you might require a vascular access device, you should consult your doctor or nurse. BD and its affiliates will not be liable for any decisions made or actions taken by you in reliance on any statement contained in a testimonial. Only a doctor or nurse can determine if a port is right for you. Like any vascular access procedure, there is always a risk of complications, including venous blood clots, skin erosion, infection, a collapsed lung, or clotting of the port catheter. Talk to your doctor or nurse about these and other risks, and whether an implanted port or other treatment delivery options are right for you. For important patient safety information, please click here.
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