Chapter 1: Infusion Therapy Basics

Infusion therapy is a way to deliver medications, like chemotherapy, hydration, and nutrition into your bloodstream. Your healthcare provider will choose the right infusion therapy for you, which will depend on your diagnosis, treatment plan, and lifestyle.

Chapter 2: Types of Access

Learn about peripheral IVs, PICCs, tunneled central venous catheters, and implantable ports.

Chapter 3: Port Basics

Learn how ports are used, how ports are placed, what to expect during your infusion therapy, and how your healthcare provider will use your port.

Chapter 4: Port Placement and Access

Learn where your port will be placed in your body and how it will be accessed with a needle.

Chapter 5: Implantable Port Basics

Learn about how ports work inside the body, how to prepare for your port to be accessed, what to expect during access, and what happens after access.

Chapter 6: Being Proactive with your Treatment

Cancer treatment can be overwhelming. It’s a good idea to bring a friend or loved one to your doctor’s appointment to be an extra set of ears or take notes for you.

Chapter 7: Commonly Asked Questions

Feel empowered to get the answers you need. Here are a few commonly asked questions about port placement and lifestyle changes.